What are the recent trends in Structural Biology and Drug Discovery? - Insights from the PSDI conference
The rapid advancements in structural biology techniques are revolutionizing drug discovery. We had the opportunity of exploring these breakthroughs at the PSDI Conference in Paris, November 2024.
Curious about the highlights? Check out our latest blog post by Elisa Martino, where she shares key insights from the event »

The impact of AlphaFold in drug discovery and emerging ML-methods
Following our Discngine Labs event and discussion with scientists in early drug discovery, we have summarized insights and experiences of the community on how they use AlphaFold technology to make it more suitable for drug discovery projects.
![Efficient biomolecular structural data handling and analysis [Event highlights]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64ef89ef638a126e29aba776/1708556776234-ENM0CV7KOOYVLB16TOTN/maxresdefault.jpg)
Efficient biomolecular structural data handling and analysis [Event highlights]
After officially announcing the partnership, Discngine and Chemaxon organized a joint event to elaborate on technical and scientific opportunities coming from joint efforts.

EVENT HIGHLIGHTS: Structure- and ligand-based analysis - How to combine the best of two worlds for driving compound design
How can you be more efficient in deciding what compound to make next?
Read the key takeaway messages from the BAGIM panel discussion with experts from AstraZeneca and Novartis, hosted by Gabriella Jonasson, PhD.

Discngine and AbbVie, winners of the Innovative Practices Award at Bio-IT 2019!
Discngine and AbbVie received BioIT World’s prestigious award Innovative Practices for the co-development of 3decision!