3decision® for Molecular Modelers

The following are some typical use cases for Molecular Modelers

  • Get an overview of all structural knowledge on your target (public and proprietary data)

  • Find protein-ligand complexes binding to a similar 3D interaction pattern to your query

  • Flag possible off-targets or find ligands binding to a similar binding site to the one of interest for your project

  • Explore the pocket druggability of your target and analyze binding sites on 3D Viewer


How to use the Interaction Search in 3decision?

How to use 3decision Annotation Browser to explore GPCR 3D structures?

3decision® Facilitates Collaboration in Drug Discovery Projects

3decision® allows you to perform advanced searches of protein & ligand 3D structural data and analyze the results with a set of integrated tools. The user interface is adapted to both beginners and advanced users and allows the whole drug discovery team to generate, test, and share ideas.