What's new in 3decision® 2021.1?

A new version of 3decision® is out! Have a look at the latest features' description:

Notification System – stay up to date with structural information


3decision® is a protein structure repository that enables users to store external and internal 3D structural data in one single place. With this release, we wanted to raise awareness of any new structural information by introducing a built-in Notification System. It allows users to set up and receive email alerts when the most important events occur: 

  • New Structure containing a Biomolecule of Interest: Occurs when a new structure that contains a protein of interest is registered

  • New Structure in Project: Occurs when a structure is added to a project 

The new bell icon on the 3decision UI is the starting point where you can subscribe and define the delivery preferences.

Create User Groups and grant Privileges

With the February release, we upgraded our software with a defined set of privileges to further enhance the collaboration between interdisciplinary teams. This means that users can get specific permission to do a specific action. It is possible to handle privileges on structures, projects, and user groups and grant them to a user, a user group, or all users of a project.

The new version enables the sharing of individual structures, with a high granularity of privileges  (managing of structure parameters/files/annotations, etc.). 

The concept of user groups is added to help manage privileges and further enhance the communication and knowledge sharing within the SBDD teams (assess/manage group, manage users in the group).

Easily spot differences/similarities in the binding site

The differences in binding sites or common parts of superposed structures are now highlighted and thus noticeable in the blink of an eye. When multiple structures are superposed and the screen becomes messy, this feature serves to simplify the view. In just one click you can spot the mutations and conformational changes in the structures for faster analysis.

Find out more about how this feature can help you to quickly spot the differences in large structure collections here.


Ligand UI improvements

This release has some improvements on the ligand display and its action menus.

So far only target residues have had bond order representation. From now on, the correct bond orders are displayed in 3D for ligands found in PDB structures.

Improvement in ligand representation management – users can manipulate each ligand 3D visualization independently from one another. It is also possible to act upon displayed structure objects very quickly when browsing docking poses.

Quick actions on the ligand representation card in the ligand tab view are added as well. One of them is to quickly start a chemistry similaritysearch.


Check out new features with the 3decision cloud edition!


Starting with 3decision®: Allosteric pocket detection in BCR-ABL1 kinase


Spotting differences in large structure collections