Release the Full Potential of Your 3D Biomolecular Structures

Collaborative platform for storing, analyzing and sharing protein-ligand structures, sequences, and associated data

What is 3decision®?

3decision® is a protein structure repository with a collaborative web-based interface that allows your whole Drug Discovery team to centralize, visualize, analyze and annotate protein and ligand structural data for collaborative ideation and decision-making.

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Who is it for?

All scientists using a structure-based approach to accelerate their drug discovery project. That includes medicinal chemists, computational chemists, and structural biologists, but also protein engineers, and computational toxicologists.

Why 3decision®?

3decision® allows you to mine the entire PDB and proprietary structure database in a simple click, using cutting-edge structural analytics. You can quickly visualize and collect new ideas from large collections of structures through the web-based user interface. Have a look at the benefits and our awards.

Whitepaper for 3d structures
  • Why large 3D structural data should not be underestimated

  • How advanced technology helps to transform the wealth of structural data into valuable knowledge to accelerate drug discovery

Download our Whitepaper


Collaboration logo

Facilitate Collaboration

Share 3D views and highlighted results the way you see them. Share your models and hypotheses with the project team. Allow colleagues to dock their new compound ideas in a structure.

Increase your productivity

Save time comparing similar pockets and ligands. Create and test hypotheses on the fly. Visualize hot spots or mutations in 3D with one click. Share ideas with colleagues quickly and easily.


Integrate with other applications

Access 3decision programmatically through a flexible REST API. Export analyses and data to common data formats.

collective intelligence

Benefit from collective intelligence

Extract and apply knowledge that has been generated over time by different project teams and research programs. Maximize the value of public and proprietary data by keeping it alive and searchable.


Keep your R&D agile and sustainable

Get ready for future massive intake of structural information (X-ray, NMR, Cryo-EM, etc.). Organize and store your PDB structures, in house structures, and in silico models in a centralized database. Give all researchers easy access to the same knowledge via a web browser.

secured data

Secure your data

Keep your structural data safe and whole. Guarantee access to your data in the long run. Make complex analyses reproducible.

Download our security guide →


Some of the 3decision core features are:

  • Unique structure registration process

  • Various search queries

  • Unique structural searches (similar pockets and subpockets, similar interaction patterns)

  • Integrated visualization

  • Annotations

  • Structural analysis (superposition and structure comparison)

  • Druggability assessment

  • And more

For more details and a comprehensive

feature portfolio, download our feature

description document and examples.


bio-it awards

Winner of 2019 Bio-IT World Innovative Practices Awards

Abbvie, nominated by Discngine, for the co-development of 3decision® The development of 3decision® allowed Abbvie to dramatically increase the ROI of SBDD work and protein structure production.

A Few Words From Some of Our Clients

sonsei heptares

Collaborating with Discngine and integrating our unique GPCR structural information in 3decision®, will allow us to reveal unprecedented SBDD opportunities across the GPCRome. We expect 3decision® to make the combined analysis of experimentally derived structural information and in silico predictions more efficient within our SBDD projects.

- Chris de Graaf, Director and Head of Computational Chemistry at Sosei Heptares


We were sitting on these almost 9,000 structures, and except for 2-3 people, nobody else knew where they were.

- Rishi Gupta, Senior Research Scientist at Abbvie

The 3decision® site has become a key stopping point for our scientists who design compounds, analyze and share protein structures, and retrieve external and internal protein x-ray and NMR structures.

- Research Fellow, Discovery Chemistry at Abbvie